East Coast trip part III

East Coast trip part III

In the third part of our East Coast trip we first take you with us on the Avatar…
The Avatar was the sailing Trimaran where we did our 2 day/2 night Whitsunday adventure with and it was amazing! This sailing Trimaran is highly recommended with its large amount off deck space with nets for sun bathing, it never felt overcrowded you had enough space. Also because it’s such a big boat  it was very stable on the sea so you did not get seasick easily which is also very important I guess. The trip included stops at Whitehaven Beach, Hook Island, Hamilton Island, Hayman Island, Border Island and Whitsunday Island with snorkelling stops at Luncheon Bay, Caves Cove and Blue Pearl Bay. The highlights were the stops at Whitsunday Island and Whitehaven Beach and our snorkelling stop Blue Pearl Bay. When you see our photos of Whitehaven Beach you will understand why that was one of our highlights on the trip, that place is stunning! We did a lot of snorkelling but the one at Blue Pearl Bay was amazing, the deckhand threw some fish food out and all the fish were swimming right next to us you could even touch them. There were some bat fishes really close to you and suddenly there was the Napoleon Fish which was huge!! That was an amazing experience to see a Napoleon Fish right next to us. Some people were scared and jumped back in the boat so you can imagine how big it was. The Napoleon fish lived in that bay and every time they come there for snorkelling he is there, he was so sweet and funny! Such a great experience! You should definitely go and check this creature out it’s amazing! We really want to recommend this boat to everyone, it’s spacious, very stable on the sea, a lot of food and an awesome crew! Go for it! Click here to check out the Avatar experience

Whitsunday Island National Park
Whitsunday Island National Park

Now you have spend some time on a sailing boat you are definitely ready to jump in the ocean with us and explore the reef. We are taking you to the Great Barrier Reef, one of the most wonderful place to snorkel in the world! We did our trip with the company called CDC, Cairns Dive Centre. We left early in Cairns to get to the Great Barrier Reef it was pretty rough and long way to the reef so a few people got seasick, take a tablet before, I did and it really helped! Once we arrived in the reef at a spot called      The Fish Bowl Bram did an introductory dive session. He has some awesome photos of it, I did not as I have asthma so I went snorkelling. The reef was so beautiful we saw a lot of colourful, special fish and the coral was so wonderful there! At our second stop the coral was a little bleached but I saw a few turtles there, they were so close you could almost touch them. That was the best part of the day for me! Bram saw Nemo which is pretty cool, I didn’t see it unfortunately but I saw heaps of other fish. We swam from the boat to a sand island in the middle of the ocean, that was pretty special too. It’s really special to see the reef from above as you really see the difference in colour. The Great Barrier Reef is something you must do when you come to Australia, it’s pretty special!

GBR Diving
GBR Diving

Go and check out more of the Great Barrier Reef>>