East Coast trip part II

East Coast trip part II

Here we are with the second part of our awesome East Coast trip. Fraser Island was one of our first big trips, we went three days/ two nights to the island on a 4 wheel tag-along tour. Early in the morning they picked us up from the pippies beachhouse hostel in Rainbow Beach with the 4×4 so we already could start our drive. The car seated 8 people and 5 of us could drive the vehicle. Our first drive was to Inskip Point where we took the bardge, it took about 15 minutes to get there and the bardge trip was about 20 minutes. As we arrived on Fraser Island we already had a 1,5 hour drive on the beach which was a pretty special and beautiful drive, it was the first time for us that we drove on sand and we can say that it’s not so easy especially driving on the soft sand is pretty hard. After our drive on the beach we had a one hour drive in the bush, the road was really bumpy and narrow but it was fun to do! Our first stop was at Lake Mackenzie, this lake was stunning it was definitely worth the long drive. The Lake was clear blue water and white sand it looked a bit like Hyams Beach. It was a pretty special lake, if you have a look at the photos you will see that the shallow part of the lake has a clear light  blue color and the part that goes deeper is coloured darker blue. For lunch we drove further into the rainforest to a place called Central Station, there we had some wraps and went for a little walk in the woods, camp was still a long way to go so we headed off and drove down the beautiful coast off the island. The camp was back to basics but it had everything you need except wifi :p. Dinner was okay the first night we had bbq and the second night spaghetti bolognaise with garlic bread. The second day we had to wake up early, I can tell you that on every overnight trip you have to wake up early as a result we are exhausted now but it’s all worth it. In the morning we went to Elli Creek where we could flood down the stream with tubes and we went to see a shipwreck which is called “The Unwanted Ship”. In the afternoon we went to the beautiful Champagne Rockpools, it is called after champagne because the water comes in the pool as you pop a champagne bottle, really beautiful but you have to be very careful as there are a lot of sharp and pointy rocks when you enter the water. That night we watched the sunset, prefect way to end your day..
We ended our trip with a visit to a Tee tree lake, a good lunch and a photoshoot with the 4×4. We had a really good time on Fraser Island, the ultimate experience was driving with a 4×4 on the beach and in the bushes on the bumpy roads. Something we can tick off on our bucket list!

Fun facts about Fraser Island: the island is only made out off sand so there is no rock base under neat it and there for it’s the largest sand island in the world. An other thing is that there are living Dingos on the island, we saw a few of them. Dingos can attack people for food so you always have to pack food away when you are in a place where Dingos can pop up. Most camps or centres are surrounded with Dingo fences. (see photo)

Castaway, the unknown trip to the unknown island.. That’s what Castaway was all about. This trip took us for 3 days to an uninhabited island which is called Middle Island. It had only one camp on the whole island and in that camp there lives a men called Serge. Middle Island is his home and he always gets guests over for a few days. His food is brought over from Town of 1770 where we started the trip. Serge comes over a few times a year to see his family and friends and the rest of his life he spend on the island. Middle Island is only accessible by boat or plane, we went with a small speedboat which was not the best way I guess as the sea was pretty rough. It was a pretty unique experience as we had never been to an uninhabited island before. It was a self-guided tour so you could choose what you wanted to do. We did some kayaking, walking, sand-boarding, playing card games and fishing. The last one was definitely the highlight of this trip, Bram caught a Mangrove Jack, a pretty big one and we had it for dinner that evening. The dinner Serge made every evening was the best we had on our trips along the East Coast, it was such pure food, delicious! And in the evening we had some friends over, three possums they came to te camp every evening because they knew they would get food.
We had a really amazing time far away from the real world.

Now back to reality, stay tuned for East Coast trip part III that takes place in the middle of the ocean.

Keep reading our adventures!