Some wonderful waterfalls

Some wonderful waterfalls

Waterfalls are natural wonders of our beautiful world..

Seeing some of these natural wonders was definitely on our wish list.
The first waterfall we went to was Carrington Falls in Budderoo National Park, Josephine our Dutch friend joined us. It was a pretty long drive with many narrow, sharp turns through rainforest which was stunning !

Once we arrived we noticed that the lookouts and walking trails were closed due to a fire. That was pretty sad, luckily we found another spot were we could see the waterfall which was at the top of the waterfall. This waterfall took our breath away..It just made us so happy to see what for wonderful things our world has to offer and that we can explore them together now. We were just speechless..

Close to Carrington Falls you had Nellies Glen in Budderoo National Park. t’s a really cute spot to just sit, have a picnic and take a swim. The waterfall is not as big as the other ones it’s more a cute, little waterfall that turns into a pool which you can access easily.

Let’s move on. Our next stop was Fitzroy Falls in Morton National Park, this one was more touristy. You had a souvenir shop, a restaurant, and you even had to pay for the parking but luckily it was free entrance! You could choose different trails that led to different lookouts, the lookout we had chosen for was pretty beautiful. It was only a bit of a shame because the waterfall was quite small as it had been pretty dry the last few days but it was still breathtaking! Another natural wonder that left us speechless..

Last Sunday we had some friends over who are joining us on our 1 month trip up the East Coast with the campervan. That day was cloudy so we decided to continue our waterfall trips. We visited Belmore Falls in Morton National Park. The waterfall was very remote and on the way and on location it was pretty misty. Being misty made the view special. The waterfall is divided in two actually and in the middle you have a small pool, we saw some people swimming in it. It’s quite magical.

These natural wonders are definitely worth visiting when you are in Australia!
After these trip we realize even better that traveling leaves you speechless and then turns you into a storyteller..