Shoalhaven Zoo or “Dodgy Zoo”

Shoalhaven Zoo or “Dodgy Zoo”

“Discover your wild side”, the slogan of Shoalhaven Zoo.

When we went there we discovered our wild side. Since the day we arrived until last week we have not seen Australian animals yet, only one big death kangaroo at the side of the road which was very sad. So we decided to go to the Zoo.

Shoalhaven Zoo was the closest for us. Our host dad calls it the “Dodgy Zoo” because back in the days a handlers hand was bitten of by a crocodile while feeding. So when we said we were going to Shoalhaven Zoo he just laughed about it and said; “Yes, you should really go to the Dodgy Zoo. Go experience it” 😉

On a Sunday we did a day trip to Shoalhaven Zoo. It took us a half hour drive to get there. Once arrived we couldn’t wait to get in and explore this “Dodgy Zoo”.

What we really were after were Kangaroos, Koalas and Crocodiles. When we entered the first thing we saw were guess what.., Koalas. A group of people were in the cage to feed and hold them. The koalas looked so cute and lazy, because of the eucalyptus in the trees they get very tired which is very obvious on the photos. After we passed a lot of cute, colourful birds we had one favorite, the Major Mitchell cockatoo (photo below). It’s a pink cockatoo with distinct yellow and red bands in the crest which is beautiful! After passing all these different species of birds we came with the huge crocodile which had bitten off the hand of the handler. It was really big and scary and it looked like a statue, it just didn’t move. We were standing there for about 20 minutes and it didn’t gave a kick. Actually it was very sad because he had a really small cage..

When we walked further through the Zoo we saw Lions, Lamas, Monkeys, Dingos, etc. We ended the day with feeding the kangaroos which was our ultimate highlight! You could just walk through the kangaroos which was awesome! There was this little kangaroo we fed, it was so adorable.. It ate out of our hand and we could caress it. This was such an amazing experience!!

We were very glad that we went to this “Dodgy Zoo”! We met for the first time Australian animals and fed a little kangaroo. We have definitely found our wild side..