The whitest beach in the world

The whitest beach in the world

Hyams Beach, also known as the whitest beach in the world, is located on the southern shores of Jervis Bay.

“According to Guinness World Records, Hyams Beach has the whitest sand in the world!”

We went there with our host family. We really wanted to write a post about that beach because it is simply breathtaking and it is actually the most beautiful thing we ever saw!
It seemed like we were in another country. That’s actually the amazing thing about Australia you can go to so many places here and sometimes it just feel like you are in another country.

The beautiful bright blue water is perfect for swimming, snorkelling, fishing and stand-up paddleboarding. Other wonderful things to do include the Hyams Beach trail, also known as the bird spotter’s walk. Keep a look out for colourful rosellas. The walk in the Jervis Bay National Park begins at the beach’s southern end.

It is definitely worth it to go to Hyams Beach.
If you want to live in a dream for one day, Hyams Beach is the place to be!
Just look to these beautiful pictures and no they are not from the internet we took them ourselves… 😉

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2 thoughts on “The whitest beach in the world

  1. Nice pictures Lauren & Bram! And I love reading your posts..
    Lauren, you’re also wearing a beautiful bikini 😉

    Enjoy much more

    Kel <3

    1. Thanks for your comment Kel! Appreciate it we are trying our best 🙂
      & thanks for the bikini compliment it’s from H&M 😉
      Stay tuned for more adventures..

      L & B

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